Tom Crowley Poker

Posted : admin On 4/6/2022
  1. Tom Crowley Poker Player
  2. Tom Crowley Poker
  3. Tom Crowley Poker
  4. Tom Crowley Poker Player

Tom Crowley, aka ChipotleAddict, is a former professional poker player who started playing DFS in the fall of 2014. It didn’t take long for Crowley to ascend the ranks as he finished 2015 as a top 20 ranked Grinder. He continued his ascension and reached the pinnacle in 2017 winning the prestigious RotoGrinders Tournament Player of the Year. Total life earnings: $2,319. Latest cash: $2,013 on 07-Jun-2002. Click here to see the details of Tom Crowley's 2 cashes.

Valerie Cross

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Around this time of year, many poker players find ways to give back, using their financial independence to contribute to a worthy cause. With Christmas rapidly approaching, we take a look at some of the charity drives in the poker community that our readers can help give an end-of-year boost to, if the spirit of generosity strikes.

For high-stakes regular Dan Smith, giving back is a vital for maintaining a healthy balance in life as a poker pro.


'I’ve gone through several existential crises about my future as a poker player, mostly being uncomfortable playing a negative sum game which doesn’t contribute to society,' Smith wrote in his blog. 'Largely in part due to this drive, all those concerns have dissipated. I still genuinely love to play poker, and am thrilled that due to this drive, I can use my favorite thing to make a tremendous impact on the world.'

Dan Smith's Double Up Drive

Poker players love value and effectiveness, and those are two things that Smith's DoubleUpDrive is built upon. In its fifth year running, the drive matches donations to worthy causes dollar for dollar. This year, joining Smith in the matching are Aaron Merchak, Matt Ashton and Stephen Chidwick. The drive originally announced it would match up to $1,140,000, but with two unexpected donations for matching funds, that number has more than doubled to $2,417,000.


First, it was announced that an anonymous donor added $150,000 in matching funds for the two options based on animal welfare, putting the new total matching funds to $1.29 million. Then last weekend, Tom Crowley, who in recent years has joined Smith in fund-matching, made a generous pledge:

This weekend I have 10 entries in the @Draftkings and @Fanduel NFL DFS Championships. I am proud to announce I will…

Poker— Tom Crowley (@chipotleaddict1)

Call it karma, skill or fortune, but Crowley's lineups performed well and he shipped the $2 million top prize. Overall, he won $2.254 million, meaning Smith's Double Up Drive got an unexpected boost of $1,127,000 in matching funds.

He just won the $2,000,000 first place. At a complete loss for words, wow.

— Dan Smith (@DanSmithHolla)


The majority of the matching funds are reserved for organizations focused on 'near-term causes' including Malaria Consortium, GiveDirectly, Helen Keller International, GiveWell, Animal Charity Evaluators, Good Food Institute, StrongMinds and the Massachusetts Bail Fund.

Another $200,000 of the funds available to match donations to the two causes 'focused on improving the long-term future of our civilization.' The future-oriented charities include Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI) and Raising for Effective Giving (REG).

On Thursday, Smith announced via Twitter that they were adding two more charities to encourage more donations as the deadline approaches. Those additions are Against Malaria Foundation and Long-Term Future Fund.

So far, a total of 551 individuals have contributed a total of around $934K for 38 percent of the matching total. That means $1.868 million has already been pledged across 10 deserving charities. With only eight more days to go, there is still nearly $1.5 million in matching funds available, ready to double donations that come in during the final days of the drive.

To donate, simply head to the DoubleUpDrive website, read about the various charities, and donate to them directly. Then, you can send your donation receipt to [email protected] for it to be matched.

Tom Crowley Poker Player

Robbie Strazynski's Running Well Challenge

Another opportunity to support a worthy cause is to contribute to poker writer and reporter Robbie Strazynski'sRunning Well Challenge, which combines health and charity goals. For the second consecutive year, Strazynski set out to run 1,000 kilometers, pledging $1 per for charity. This year, he chose to donate to Save a Child's Heart, an organization that provides life-saving heart treatment to children in developing countries.

On top of the $1,000 he has pledged, Strazynski reached out to players in the poker community for additional pledges with the goal of reaching $10K additional for the cause. With just over a week to go for the Dec. 31 deadline, Strazynski is more than $1,000 short of that goal, while closing in on his 1,000 kilometers.

Nearly two dozen total pledges have already been made this year. PokerStars, Jaime Staples and Jan Fisher all pledged a $1 per kilometer 'match' of Strazynski's pledge, and other pledges came in from Daiva Byrne, Nolan Dalla and George Epstein, to name a few.

For more on the Running Well challenge and to donate, head to the homepage here.

Bernard Lee's Full House Charity

Bernard Lee, poker pro and host of The Bernard Lee Poker Show podcast and radio show, is once again giving back through a gift-giving event he heads up each year for homeless families in his local Boston area in its eighth year running. On Dec. 22, Lee's Full House Charity Program will team up with FamilyAid Boston, along with primary sponsor One Step Closer Foundation, to provide customized gifts for 41 families suffering from homelessness. The recipients will include adults as well as 67 children.

Since its launch in February 2011, Lee's Full House Charity Program has supported children in need with all proceeds going to child-focused organizations in New England. This has resulted in more than $100,000 in goods and funds going to children in need. On Saturday, Dec. 22 Lee and his two young children will meet with parents and children from FamilyAid Boston’s Community Based Shelter program, and they'll come bearing gifts.

“This year, we have a few surprises in store for both the parents and the kids, such as celebrity-autographed sports paraphernalia and specially-requested toys for individual kids,' Lee said. 'My family and I always look forward to this event, and we love seeing the kids’ faces when they open their gifts.”

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    Dan SmithDouble Up DriveRobbie StrazynskiBernard LeeCharity Poker
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Dan Smith, with the assistance of 134 others, has raised $1.7 million in his 2016 charity drive.

Smith said he would match the donations up to $175,000 to the following charities:, Against Malaria Foundation, Give Directly, Just City, Liberation Prison Yoga, Lineage Project, MAPS (Zendo), Massachusetts Bail Fund, Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI), and GiveWell.

Those who wanted to give had to email a copy of their donation receipt to Smith, who would then match it.

Tom Crowley Poker

An anonymous donor said that if the drive hit $175,000, he would match an additional $125,000 to, Against Malaria and Give Directly.

The drive was modified at $600,000 to provide donations to the Against Malaria Foundation, Give Directly and the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI), due to a donation from DFS sensation Martin Crowley, who matched the challenge with $200,000 in addition to the $325,000 he already matched 1:1.

To clarify: This will be in addition to the $325k that I have been matching 1:1. I will only be donating this extra…

Tom Crowley Poker

— Martin Crowley (@bigpapagates)

“Awareness is the first step towards transformation,” said Crowley in a blog post on RotoGrinders. “Though I’d love to see each member of the DFS community step up and give, I’m grateful and humbled you’ve read this far. You don’t need to donate six figures to make a difference – in fact, simply acknowledging the need is a big step for many of us. So what can you do?”

Tom Crowley Poker Player

Crowley’s brother, Tom, known as ChipolteAddict in the DFS world, donated $500,000 when the drive hit $1 million in donations.

2016 ends with a BANG! Tom Crowley surprised us with a $500k donation after we hit $1mm. Final tally $1.7 MILLION!!!

— Dan Smith (@DanSmithHolla)

“The limited details I know of their story are amazing: two guys who plan on making a huge difference in the world by doing the thing they are the best at: fantasy sports,” Smith wrote on his blog about the Crowley brothers. “I can’t say enough great things about these two guys who really epitomize the effective altruism movement.”

Here is the breakdown of the donations as posted on Dan Smith’s blog:

Against Malaria Fund$287,535
Give Directly$115,173
Just City$9,750
Liberation Prison Yoga$12,868
Lineage Project$4,000
Massachusetts Bail Fund$10,325
GiveWell Unspecified$7,670
Dan’s Match$175,000
Martin’s Match + Extra$525,000
Tom’s Donation$500,000

Smith wrote out on his blog what exactly he thought about each place he wanted to provide donations to and what he wanted the money to go toward. He said that he would be interested in running projects for others who don’t want to take the time to run a drive, given the right project.

If you convince someone else to donate to a cause you believe in, that can make a very real difference.

He said he didn’t understand why there was a social stigma to donating publicly, that people should focus on the results.

“If you convince someone else to donate to a cause you believe in, that can make a very real difference. That seems much more relevant to me,” he said. “Logically, it seems clear to me that being public about donating encourages others to donate.”

Prior to this drive, Dan Colman and Smith organized a drive, but this year, Smith wanted to do the same thing on a larger scale, with a larger match to accompany the donations.

According to Smith’s blog, he has received emails from others starting their own drives and was willing to provide advice or assistance if needed.

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    Charity PokerDan ColmanDan Smith
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